Creations Network TJ Ltd Digital Division
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Website Engagement Form.


UK Civil, Criminal Court Proceedings and Practice Conduct Video Games we offer can assist you between 30 minutes and 1 hour maximum to decide whether or not to:


Business Employer Questions:-

A. Dismiss unproductive Employee or attempt to identify cause(s) of unproductivity.


A (1) Invest in Employment Tribunal stress, cost, reputation damage by engaging Solicitor(s) or consider other contingencies in 30 minutes maximum.


B File Money Claims on Fast Track in County Court or avoid filing in 30 minutes maximum.


Business Employee Questions:-


1. Would you prefer to continue being invited by management for meetings that can lead to dismissal or would seek assistance instead prior.


2. Is it better to identify and resolve personal relationship issues outside employment or at work that can lead to dismissal.


3. Would you consider re-training if Employer relations no longer work or would you file Employment Tribunal Claim after unfair dismissal.


International and UK Law, Non-Law Graduate and General Members of Public Questions:-


C. Are there any other option for Practice Conduct for Civil and or Criminal Court Proceedings if you were not awarded the 1st or 2nd Class Upper Honours Degree required for Solicitors' Qualifying Exam or Bar Training Course.


D. Would you consider Practising as Litigant-In-Person as is practical or would you not especially where Training Contracts are not offered or are restrictive.


E. Can law still be practiced in UK without the University Degree, if no, would you consider Practising in Civil or Criminal Proceedings with the required experiences and resources or not.


F. Is understanding the Civil and Criminal Justice Systems in UK advantageous in terms functioning lawfully in the Society and knowing how to respond lawfully when the need arises.


4. Video Game Entertainment Player Questions:-


5. General Questions:-


Do you prefer virtual, hybrid and or In-Person Video Game assessments as described above for the purposes of requesting legal services and or Video Games.


Would you prefer to play Video Games by yourself or would you like to play with 10 or more players with plots, sub-plots, action, strategy including Copyright materials.


Responses can be sent with the site contact form with the required details and we will respond as soon as possible.


Mediation instead of Petitioning for divorce on the grounds of irretrievable break down to preserve antecedents and prospects, we can assist.


We look forward to hearing from you soon.




Gifts to Give When? This is the question. What do I buy for David or Georgina? Many articles can be bought, subject to affinity, could be anything your personal vault covers. What if you buy something that does not depreciate in value or reaches saturation before use is no longer even considered?

What is the proposition? Civil and Criminal Litigation Service Resources for Litigants In Person and or Proficiency Skills for Law or Non-Law Graduates who intend to practice in UK Courts for instance.




What are the reasons for this:

What is Pre-Action Protocol is? See below.

Lawfully addressing persistent harassing debt collection agency/Solicitor letter(s) and or phone calls and avoiding and or limiting stress levels especially when debt does not exist, or is not established.


What to do if debt does exist, but Statute of Limitations Act 1980 Section 25 applies Providing no debt recovery action can be brought in Courts in England and Wales after 6 years for simple Contracts and after 12 years for Mortgages. See below.

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What is Pre-Action Protocol is? See below. 


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Employers victimising you? Protection From Harassment Act 1997 Section (1)  and 2A  prohibit it. Want to find out how to respond yourself on the spot. See below.


Unhappy with your Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement and do not understand how issues can be resolved, Estate Agents and or Landlords not co -operating. Received Hosing Act 1996 Section 21 Notice or Housing Act 1988 Ground 8,11. and or 12 Notice to quit need to respond instantly. See Below.


Need assistance with Health Care and Skilled Worker UK Worker Immigration Visa Application. Medical Doctors, Nurses and Health Care Worker from Abroad with Job Codes, Criminal Record Certificate, Valid Passport and Sponsorship Certificate. See below.


Capacity to function effectively in the society in any instance without detriment and or Police Arrest in UK that can potentially be caused by provocation, harassment and or Stalking as Common Assault culminates in both parties being arrested for Common Assault were immediate physical violence is attempted under Offences Against The Persons Act 1867 Section 20 for unlawful wounding with intent for instance. There are other sections too. see below.


Lots of savings in professional fees and time... See below.


 Always aim high but do you necessarily need the 2:1 or above to function in UK Courts. see below. 

University wrongly classified your law degree and you still intend to function in UK Courts. See below.


Want to deliver high performance standards in UK  Civil and Criminal Courts for your clients'. See below.


Want high and sustainable profits for your Civil and Criminal Litigation Consultancy Services you intend to operate. See below.

Understand the reasons.... Sign up with your name, phone number and email address now by completing the  contact us form every endeavour will be made to deliver prior to Christmas , May Day, All  other UK Bank Holidays etc.

High, County, Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeals Tribunal Case Reconstructions are also offered to parties that express interest. Contracts are also assessed to identify unreasonableness and latent exclusion clauses also for parties that express interest. Case law principles and judgments are also explained to parties that express interest, fees are negotiable for these services. Inter disciplinary services are also available to expedite necessary proficiencies required in the specific labour segments. Contact us now for details with the contact form below!

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Privacy Policy:-

UK Data Protection Act 2018 interpreting and Implementing GDPR [General Data Protection Regulations] are both being observed prior and during and post data processing.

We thank you for your visiting and contacting us for service and product deliveries.

Two new Video Games are available also via Flow lab constituting further UK Civil and Criminal Litigation Video Games that Law, Non-Law Graduates and General Members of Public can order. Premium resources like further characters, Civil Proceedings materials like Pre-Action Protocol Civil Procedure for debt, Statute of Limitations Act 1980 Section 24 prohibiting debt recovery after 6 years for Simple Contract and after 12 years for Mortgages. 


UK Criminal Proceedings relevant to Public Order Act 1986 Section 4 offence being threatening behaviour caused by alcohol leading to shouting by the offender at the victim is also covered.


The titles are:-


UK Solicitor or Debt Collection Agency Demands Addressed. (


Webinar link is also included for participation, visit site for details.



Participants' will be encouraged especially to understand the UK Civil and Criminal Justice Systems in terms approaches required. For example for supposed debt, the Pre-Action Protocol for debt is to be applied to identify any history supporting the alleged debt the Creditor is claiming is outstanding. The documents exchanged between supposed debtor and creditor will either support or establish non-existing debt. If the debt is non-existing, simple letter is sent confirming it. If the debt is established, then the defendant is prepared for the County Court Hearing for instance. 


Legal Resources required are:-


Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Civil Procedure Rules, Statues like Statute of Limitations Act 1980 Section 24 prohibiting debt recovery in England and Wales after 6 years for Simple Contracts and after 12 years for Mortgages.


Employment Tribunal Claim avoidance concerning Employment Rights Act 1996 Section 13 prohibiting unauthorised deductions from salary without Employee consent is also integral, the event will indicate how the Proceedings can be avoided, remedied and or managed with identification of problems at home, in relationships prior to marriage for example and or Matrimonial Causes where early marriage applies and or re-training in Law and or any other profession they consider.


Video Games are also available to assist with identification of the UK Civil and Criminal Justice Systems including practice standards also required. Case law identification and application, Court Form filing, Draft Order assembly for Court Orders including Advocacy standards for Court Judges in both Systems too can be briefly explained during the webinar stated above.


UK Civil and Criminal Justice System Practice assistance as Litigants-In-Person and or as Solicitors, Barristers and or Legal Executives in terms of Court Practice standards too can be offered instead of Standard BPP Law School tuition etc.


Video Games references [Summary]




UK Civil and Criminal Legal Services Equitable Culmination No Conclusion depicts how concerns between Business Employers and Employees can lead to Employment Tribunal Proceedings unnecessarily when it can be simply avoided instead.

UK Business FAQ's for Employment Tribunal Claim(s) avoidance:

Is it lawful for Business Employers to deduct from Employee Salary irrespective of any difficulties or misunderstandings at work. UK Employment Rights Act 1996 Section 13 prohibits unauthorised deductions from salary without the Employees agreement or consent.

Further FAQ's will be issued soon as possible.


Players are to decide which application of the submarine depiction corresponds to their specific circumstance(s) for example it could be debt or employment that are causing concern, or your landlord, or partner, it could be anything, the approach for remedies are the same, applied in different ways as demonstrated above.

Once the problem is identified the Video Game levels are to be attempted within the time frame given.



UK Law, Non-Law Graduate Legal Practice levels to assist players with identification of Civil and Criminal liability for misrepresentation and or Fraud for instance.



What legal remedies apply on the grounds of legal materials avaialble being was any false statement made misrepresentation wise or did the Commuter about to alight at the train station abuse is official position in the office for instance?

Players are tasked with identifying the legal issues including how potential clients' are to be advised and prepared for Court Proceedings accordingly.


Every level is to be assessed and legal problem scenarios are to be provided by the players, time frames are also to be applied by the players for identification, Court representation advocacy required in actual Court Hearings Clients' have contracted them to offer directly or indirectly.

The Game Flow progresses with every legal issue resolved accordingly, multiple players are advised as Court Judges will be required, Solicitors, Barristers Legal Executives subject to Court Hierarchy and Audience Rights.

Conclusion is only apparent once ruling is pronounced in original or subsequent Appeal. For out of Court Settlements, appropriate Legal instruments are required for instance Housing Act 1996 Section 21 concerning lawful eviction Notices, albeit Court Judge will dismiss Applications for Vacant Possession for rent arrears where notice issued is unlawful. Protection From Eviction Act 1977 also applies etc.

For Criminal Proceedings subject to player election the same applies, Criminal Law Practice Rules apply for Offences Against The Persons Act 1867 Offences for instance. Relevant Case Law Citations etc will also be required within 1 hour for rulings ideal for multiple players who expedite Court Proceedings, Arrests By Police Officers, Players are advised not to apply Police Uniforms etc for this exercise, as impersonation arrests can follow for instance.

As above game concludes or not subject to rulings for Community Orders including Probation for Common Assault for instance and or Appeals for lack of expert evidence for instance.

Multi-tiered canal city TTRPG Map - Night - Dovekie Studios.jpgGame Assets _ Submarine Adventure Game.jpg

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var c=b.formIds.concat(a.form_ids),d=[],e;for(e in c)c.hasOwnProperty(e)&&-1==d.indexOf(c[e])&&d.push(c[e]);
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Tax Planning Not Avoidance!

Tax Planning Not Avoidance ! Is it worth being investigated for the sake of the quick buck saved from the tax man's treasury? Simple answer, no. We can assist sole traders and Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships with legal tax planning derived from rates and allowances etc. Enquiries awaited!

Read more »

What Does The Good Lawyer Do!

The Good Lawyer reminds him or herself of their first duty which is to the Court and to Justice not the client. To find out more about the details order your Civil and Criminal Proficiency Skills Ticket straight away!

Read more »

Update: cited copyright culminating in the substitution as indicated in the Product name field above.

Players of Equitable Culmination simply collect as many coins as they can in the time they have.

Equitable Culmination Close Range is due soon as possible. 

The trailer images have been included also to increase story understanding thus see image gallery.

The forthright Engineering and law graduate is aware of the collusiion very apparent with the usual apex through the roof volcanic eruption enthusiasm, the anarchist, renegades, wayward, compulsive aggressors, all plot, conspire and engage in sabotage discontent with their prevailing jurisprudence woes, stampede towards the Blue Collar Broker intent on causing maximum obstruction wth utter disregard for lawful notices, even simple parking permit signs or emission signs, road signs are all disregarded in the adventures embarked on to impose restrictions or to artificially give the Clients' of the The  Engineering and Law Graduate enthusiast  the wrong impression thereby sabotaging the relations between the Engineering and Law Graduate his reputation, integrity and good will are all attributed too.

Anarchist in vessels called helicopters have all arrived, randomly and are all traversing to the location where the Engineering and law graduate serves high clientele. The Engineering and law graduate is resolute and hosts meetings with his clients' in the volcano, avalanche, rodeo and stampede environments due to his dedication derived from the private confidential special person he is intent on communicating with, concierge have other impressions, their hospitality, retaliation, aggression, uncooperative very for instance.


The Engineering and law Graduate sends communiques to the special Confidential Favourite person, second post, arguments ensue, the Engineering and law Graduate then has to face the client orchstra too, phew!

The Jurisprudence debates, consistency, balance the Engineering and law Graduate's Silhouette reminds other wise the rocks are going to be jettisoned. The Engineering and law Graduate delivers the high service standards to the client avoiding the stampede due, the rodeo with the Favourite Confidential Person still prevails, volcanic eruptions and stampedes and cyclones all equip the Engineering and law Graduate with the capacity required to evade the anarchists landing in the vessel called helicopter, by simply sking over them all, and being flown straight to the Favourite Confidential Person waiting for the rendezvous protracted volcamic eruptions remind them both of.


Thank you for reading, the Equitable Culmination Close Range Segment is due soon, for now the Pre-Order Segment prepares you for what is being assembled as described.


Equitable Culmination Close Range was released on 09/09/2023 The Engineering and law Graduate now has to address anarchists in marine vehicles including marine life too, the sabotage, chaos, rebellion, discontent, undue influence and fraud have been aggravated, worse than originally intended.


The Engineering and law Graduate is not detered and still perseveres and inevitably engages with the Confidential Favouurite Person as was pledged prior to commencement of Jurisprudence Advocacy presentations for his clients' that are impressesd by the profit margins secured wth his administrarion of their cases.


Is this the conclusion necessarily concerning the  his Confidential Engineering and law Graduate Favourite Person?

Continue to observe to find out!

Video Game and UK Civil, Criminal Legal Services will receive free 1 hour consultations and Video Game content after subscriptions have been fully explained and understood. Video Game links thus:-

50% Discount is also available for subscribers that sign up for the Legal Services or Court Practice Know How.

Contact form is to be completed with full name, verified age of 18+, non-Gmail, Hotmail and Outlook addresses.

Consultations, service and Video Game deliveries will be arranged soon as possible.


Charge backs and refunds will be avoided as indicated above. 

Customer Services responses will be given as soon as requests are received.


Complaints if any will also be addressed soon as possible.


Competition enquiries can also be sent with the contact form as the Video Game directions give the required details. Individuals and groups and or multi players can participate.

Rewards are available for Legal Services, Video Games and Court Proceedings Conduct Law, Non-Law Graduates and General Members of Public intending to Practice in England and Wales or that wish to function in Society without being sued or prosecuted or even without 1st or 2nd Class Upper University Degrees.





Debt Services Segment.

Dear Clients' the debt recovery process commences in the United Kingdom thus as briefly described:

Pre-Action Protocols (PAPS) are conduct procedures prior to filing money claims in the County Court.


The Master of The Rolls has authorised its use and The Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) also further qualify the said acknowledgement above.

Debt Recovery Sequence Details Thus:-

Pre-Action Protocols are conduct procedures that parties are expected to follow, [We always strive to keep all of our clients' out of Court which is the foundation and direction proficiency standards rest on, if Court Proceedings are inevitable, we strive to equip clients' with resources that Judges agree with for the conclusions you the client requires assistance for originally]. if involved in a dispute that may lead to litigation in the English Court.


The Master of the Rolls and Records of The Chancery in England And Wales [ Is The Judge of The Court Of Appeal and is The President of its Civil Division. The Master of The Rolls  is the last Senior Office compared to The Lord Chief Justice Of Appeals Office] The Civil Procedure Rules (CPR)  also confirm Pre-Action Protocol Procedures described.


Debt Recovery Client Processes:-


Forms can be populated with initial requests for consultations, indicating first name, surname, phone number and email address. See above in the middle top left hand side.


Meeting day, time venue is then arranged for initial Pre-Action Protocol Consultation to determine the history of any debt and authenticity. Initial fee is then agreed and paid prior to drafting, proof-reading and posting of said letter.


The Pre-Action Protocol letter drafted and sent to third party businesses for Claimants' should be sufficient for the recovery generally.  The letter will not take more than 1-2 hours to initially draft where all the necessary letters, contracts, documents, time sheets and documents etc have all been assessed to determine the letters composition. Client proof reading should only take 30 Minutes for any possible amendments prior to posting. The defendant will then have at least 7 working days to respond.



Money Claims can be filed online, if the value of the claim is known, if not it can only be filed as paper claim, if the defendant does not respond.



Client/Claimant Election to file Money Claim where defendant has not responded to Pre-Action Protocol Letter.


Claimants at this stage will then be advised as follows:-


Money Claim County Court Filing Service Process:-

1. Advice concerning Court Fees and labour costs for Money Claims filed in the County Court will be shown to and discussed with them during the second consultation, day, time and venue will have to be agreed again to identify:-


2. Relevant Statues and case law required for the Claim and presentation in the County Court prior to the Court Hearing Online or Offline. Generic Statutes are Statute of Limitation Act 1980 Section 29 (5) affording recovery of arrears of any pecuniary or liquidated sum prior to the sixth year after which no action can be brought for recovery of any arrears as described.


3. Requesting and or downloading the necessary County Court Money Claim Forms, fee payment etc.


4. Regular preparation meetings for Claimants to familiarise themselves with how they will need to address the Judge during the Court Hearing too will be arranged for confidence and composure.




Post Court Judgment Creditor Stage. Judgement Debtors that do not pay any sum or instalments towards the Judgment debt enables Judgement Creditors to ask the County or High Court  to send Bailiffs to seize goods for sale to encourage payment. We will at this stage where necessary assist Judgment Creditors with the application process  to expedite enforcement.













Equitable Culmination Close Range was released on 09/09/2023. The Concluding Segment available directly from G Develop, order now!